Tel Aviv University is home to an awesome place, a two floor roots laboratory. On the top floor you see various plants in the same old way you usually do. The bottom floor however, allows you to visit the underground world normally invisible to us people.
I had imagined what I would see in this special lab long before I actually got to visit it. What I saw eventually was truly amazing, but I realised the expectations and imaginations that I had before the visit had a more profound impact on me. I was preoccupied by thoughts of the hidden parts of our world, and what I would find there if I had the chance to peek.
So, I decided to start my own lab, and explore encounters between the visible and the invisible -
Is the inside a reflection of the outside?
Is it completely different?
How do the two interact?
Which is dominant?
Is the outside world dictated by the inside, or is it the other way around?
These questions guided me in designing this collection.

Model- Alex Zeltzer

Photo - Liat Schnitman
video - ♡Keren Lachman♡
Photo - Liat Schnitman